I need to walk

I need to walk, without being afraid to arrive late at work.

I need to walk, not worrying spent too much time walking.

I need to walk, and not feel too much heat.

I need to walk, not worrying some rider will sabotage the pavement.

I need to walk, with fresh air.

I need to walk, and enjoy the surroundings.

I need to walk, to witness how nature can emerge with the modern world.

I need to walk, without overthinking the future.

I need to walk, to the library every week and not be interrupted by unplanned occasions.

I need to walk, to the gym and not feel judged.

I need to walk, and feel empowered.

I need to walk, to where ever I want.

I need to walk, and feel enough.

I need to walk.

Sundbyberg, Sweden

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